Regis St. Mary Strategic Plan

Many individuals and groups were involved in the development of the plan. Focus groups and meetings were conducted with each School Board, the Foundation Executive Board, parents from both schools, students, teachers and the support staff. Individual interviews were conducted with the Principal and vice principals of each school, the Archdiocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools, the Development Director, the Business Manager, the Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, the Guidance Counselor, the Facilities Manager and the Athletic Director. The final version of the plan was presented in November 2016.
Goal 2: The administration and the new Board of Directors will develop a culture of effective, ongoing strategic and financial planning.
Goal 3: The Board of Directors and the Principal will oversee the implementation and annual update of the strategic plan.
Goal 2: A strong community of faith will continue to be fostered, PreK to grade 12.
Goal 2: Technology will support the instructional goals of both schools.
Goal 3: A curricular niche will be developed that clearly differentiates Regis St. Mary Catholic School from other schools.
Goal 1: The school will employ a comprehensive enrollment management approach, from marketing through recruitment and retention.
Goal 2: A parent partner program will be instituted.
Goal 1: A comprehensive, multi-year facility master plan will be developed.
Goal 1: A comprehensive Development Plan will be created.
Goal 2: The Development Office structure and staffing will meet the development, marketing and admissions needs of the school.
Goal 1: Financial assistance funding will be able to build and sustain capacity enrollment.
Goal 2: The relationship between the Regis – St. Mary Foundation and the new PK-12 school will be reviewed and carefully defined.
In December 2016 we launched a five-year strategic plan for our school. This plan established a vision of a preferred future and provided direction for maintaining our school’s excellence. Each goal and strategy in the plan was designed to achieve this future, and the plan is already bearing fruit.
There are four main areas under which our goals were established. Below is each area, goal, and an update on our progress to date. We are excited and proud to state that we have achieved much in these last two-and-a-half years and are looking forward to continuing our focus on faith and excellence.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rick Schindler, Principal
Goal 1: St. Mary Catholic School and Regis High School will be combined into one PreK-12 institution on two campuses by the 2017-18 school year.
**COMPLETED – New Board of Directors appointed and systemic change took effect on July 1, 2017
Goal 2: The administration and the new Board of Directors will develop a culture of effective, ongoing strategic and financial planning.
**COMPLETED/ONGOING – Processes established and board member expertise in critical areas addressed
Goal 3: The Board of Directors and the Principal will oversee the implementation and annual update of the strategic plan.
**ONGOING – Strategic plan is regularly reviewed and progress is reported
Goal 1: Catholic identity will be defined and infused into all aspects of school life.
**IN PROGRESS – New school mission identified and communicated; Faculty and staff orientation and training articulated; FUTURE: Developing processes and opportunities to include parents and greater community
Goal 2: A strong community of faith will continue to be fostered, PreK to grade 12.
**ONGOING/IN PROGRESS – Increasing PreK-8 & 9-12 faith and service opportunities; Exploring further development of student leaders; FUTURE: Identify, plan, and carry out service opportunities in which whole school, including parents and community members, could participate; Provide faith deepening opportunities for families; Strengthen school-vicariate relationship
Goal 1: A PreK-12 curriculum will be designed and implemented to assure consistent rigor and meet the academic needs of all students.
**ONGOING/IN PROGRESS – PreK-12 curriculum aligned; Curriculum guide revised; Longitudinal data collected and analyzed; Interventions identified and implemented; FUTURE: Surveying Regis graduates for academic preparedness feedback
Goal 2: Technology will support the instructional goals of both schools.
**ONGOING/IN PROGRESS – Providing ongoing training for staff; Piloting and evaluating various virtual course options; FUTURE: Develop more complete vision statement on use of technology
Goal 3: A curricular niche will be developed that clearly differentiates Regis St. Mary Catholic School from other schools.
**FUTURE – Investigate and identify a program to add to the school to academically distinguish ourselves from other schools to attract more students and families
Goal 1: The school will employ a comprehensive enrollment management approach, from marketing through recruitment and retention.
**ONGOING/IN PROGRESS – Formed marketing and development committee to create branding profile, logo, website, and marketing materials; FUTURE: Hire full time Director of Enrollment
Goal 2: A Parent Partner Program will be instituted.
**FUTURE: Identify parent ambassadors and implement program
Goal 3: A comprehensive, multi-year facility master plan will be developed.
**FUTURE: Develop plan to include needs assessment with priority levels for furnishings, equipment, and buildings
Goal 4: A comprehensive development plan will be created.
**FUTURE: Create plan using income to expense ratio of 2.5:1 or more and use the plan as case for donor investment
Goal 5: The development office structure and staffing will meet the development, marketing, and admissions needs of the school.
**IN PROGRESS: Fundraising events for both campuses overseen by Events Director; FUTURE: Expand personnel as needed to include marketing, communications, alumni, major and planned gifts coordinators
Goal 6: Financial assistance funding will be able to build and sustain capacity enrollment.
**IN PROGRESS: Adjusting allocation process to include segmenting of family income levels as a criterion for awards; FUTURE: Research increased funding for targeted scholarship opportunities; Phase out multi-child discounts
Goal 7: The relationship between the Regis St. Mary Foundation and the PreK-12 school will be reviewed and defined.
**COMPLETED: Reviewed and revised mission and purpose of foundation and adjusted its legal status
Preferred Future
The Strategic Plan for Regis St. Mary Catholic School establishes a vision of a preferred future that will extend into the next decade and provide direction for maintaining each school’s excellence. The goals and strategies in this plan are designed to achieve this future.
- One Archdiocesan, PreK-12 school system under the governance of one Board and Administration
- Distinctively Catholic educational environment rooted in scholarship, leadership and service
- Faith-filled, enthusiastic and collaborative administration and faculty
- Well-rounded educational experience
- Current, integrated and effectively utilized technology
- Seamless PreK-12 educational experience
- Excellent and effective faculty and staff attracted and retained
- Safe, attractive and welcoming campuses
- Effective strategic and financial planning and comprehensive development program