St. Mary Learning Expectations
Schoolwide Learning Expectation (SLEs)
I will give and receive love selflessly through personal sacrifice and graceful acceptance in the following ways:
I will love God and express that love through joyful action.
I will receive His love and grace in return through full participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
I will recognize Christ in others and treat them as I would like to be treated.
I will seek and experience the love of my school, Church, and local community by participating as an active member.
I will embrace God’s grace to live a life of virtue.
I will recognize my own strengths and weaknesses in order to accept and love myself as God loves me.
I will gain or acquire knowledge of skills through study, experience, or being taught in the following ways.
I will demonstrate a growth mindset
I will use problem solving and critical thinking effectively
I will develop organizational skills and study habits
I will actively listen and participate
I will make safe and healthy choices
I will exhibit traits of a successful self manager
I will show excitement and curiosity about the life of Jesus
I will inspire and encourage others in holiness
I will follow Mary’s example through prayer
I will lead with kindness, compassion and honesty in all areas of my life.
I will live a virtuous life that leads my family to Jesus through my words and actions.
I will pray with my friends.
I will share my values through action and example, leading with kindness.
I will lead my classmates to stay on task and focus on learning.
I will lead and participate in community events in which I share my faith and values.
I will perform acts of service as disciples of Christ who serve by defending the dignity of life, feeding the hungry, and protecting the Earth in the following ways:
I will value and respect all human life
I will use my God-given talents to serve my church and my community
I will serve the hungry and those in need
I will recognize how serving others brings me closer to God
I will respect the earth through acts of service
I will use my knowledge of serving to model being a steward of God’s creation