Support Regis St. Mary

Your generous gifts bring hope and opportunities to future generations and promote an environment where the integral formation of students is made possible. Make a financial gift today and empower the next generation.
Types of Financial Gifts

Annual Fund
The Give Hope Regis St. Mary Fund is a yearly fundraising initiative that runs from July 1–June 30 and provides 5% of the school’s operating budget. All financial gifts are applied to the current school year to help ensure faculty excellence, fund tuition assistance and enhance academic, arts and athletic programs.
Why consider a recurring monthly gift
Recurring support provides a consistent source of income that allows Regis St. Mary to plan and execute its programs and initiatives more effectively year-round. A predictable revenue stream reduces the administrative costs of fundraising efforts and enables more resources to be directed toward the school’s core mission. Recurring giving also fosters a strong and enduring partnership between donors and Regis St. Mary.
Endowment Fund
Gifts to the endowment fund generate a stream of revenue that help ensure long-term financial security, supporting our students and programs well into the future. Also, the annual draw from our endowment enables the school to accomplish vital growth in programs and tuition assistance, as well as capital improvements.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159 x1203.
Giving to a specific scholarship program will offer financial assistance to deserving students attending Regis St. Mary who demonstrate financial need and a passion for education and service. You can also establish a new scholarship based on criteria you determine or in commemoration of a loved on who has passed that your one time or recurring donations will fund.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
Double Your Gift Amount
Many employers provide a corporate match for their employees’ charitable gifts. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. You can check through to find out if your company offers a match. Direct your matching gift to our school and you will be recognized at Regis St. Mary for the full amount of your own gift plus the employer match.
Ways to Give
Planned Gifts
Planned giving at Regis St. Mary Catholic School offers supporters a unique chance to make a lasting impact on the school’s mission and future. Through thoughtful and strategic contributions, donors can ensure that the values and quality education provided by Regis St. Mary continue for generations to come. Planned giving allows benefactors to align their philanthropic goals with the school’s needs, whether through bequests, charitable trusts, or other estate-planning vehicles. These gifts offer potential tax benefits and create a legacy of faith, learning, and community support. By including Regis St. Mary in your long-term financial planning, donors become part of our Legacy Society, which honors those with the vision and generosity to include Regis St. Mary in their estate plans. No matter your story, arranging a planned gift for Regis St. Mary could be your legacy.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
Online Donations
Complete our secure online donation form and make a one-time or recurring gift of any size using a debit/credit card.
Mail a Check
Pledged Gifts
For more information, call the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
Stocks, Bonds or Mutual Fund Gifts
Donating appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds offers several benefits, specifically the ability to make a larger value donation than giving cash after liquidating. You can avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated amount you would have incurred had you sold the stock, and you get a tax deduction for the full fair market value of your long-term capital gain asset.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
Donor Advised Funds
If you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), this also presents an excellent opportunity to give. Donations to the Regis Foundation or Regis St. Mary Catholic School are permitted by DAFs. You receive the tax deduction in the year you contribute to your DAF. Once the account is funded (with cash or investments), those assets grow tax-free.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
Qualified Charitable Distributions
Did you know that you can make donations to charity using your IRA? Any individual aged 70 1/2 or older can donate a portion or all of their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to Regis St. Mary, and that portion is not included in taxable income. This method can help keep you in a lower tax bracket and also help reduce the taxable portion of social security income.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 503-769-2159.
For More Information
Steffanie Piccirilli
Director of Advancement
503-769-2159 x1203
Leslie Jepsen
Associate Director of Advancement
503-769-2159 x1207