Tuition Assistance

Need-Based Tuition Assistance

Regis St. Mary tuition assistance grant is specially designed for the most financially needy students in our school. Regis St. Mary has chosen to use FACTS for tuition assistance application processing.

The income and assets of a family are taken into account, as well as family size, extraordinary expense, number of children attending tuition-charging schools (excluding colleges/universities), the metropolitan area of residence, number of working parents, and the value of parents’ assets. Unusual family tragedies or catastrophes, such as job loss or large medical expenses are taken into account. Families that incur a large amount of “choice debt” are not rewarded for unwise financial planning.

Reports prepared by FACTS from information gathered from parents/guardians are reviewed by the Principal and Business Manager to determine tuition assistance awards. Dollar amounts of awards vary, with the largest grants going to families who apply by the deadline and demonstrate the greatest need in a given school year.

Catholic Church Grant

In accordance with the Archdiocese of Portland’ strategic plan for Catholic school education, parishes without elementary schools will continue to invest in supporting Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Portland. Members of local Catholic parishes may be entitled to a subsidy paid to Regis St. Mary Catholic School. The signed form will document the family’s status as a qualifying Catholic family. The family’s tuition will then be based on the qualifying Catholic rate charged by the school.

Grades K-8: $1,100 per student
Grades 9-12: varies by parish

A qualifying student is generally determined by the following:

  • The family must be registered in the parish, be involved, and attend church in the parish.
  • The family must give regular, identifiable financial support to the parish.

To apply, please complete the form and return to the school office.

Admissions Links

For More Information

Steffanie Piccirilli
Director of Advancement
503-769-2159 x1203

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